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- Source: The Dundee Courier/Evening Telegraph
- Date: February 21, 1996
- Three Broughty Ferry youngsters were last night reduced to what the mother one
- one described as a "distraught, hysterical state" after they were confronted by
- a remarkable flying object in the middle of Orchar Park.
- Mrs Pamela Stewart, of Ramsay Street, said her son Cameron and his friends
- Graham Binnie and Joanne Leach - all aged 12 and pupils at Grove Academy - had
- come "belting" into her house shortly after 7:30, crying uncontrollably and
- with only Cameron able to speak at all.
- "He said they had seen something awful in the park," she said, "and I
- automatically thought they had witnessed someone being attacked of something
- like that.
- "Joanne was in a terrible state and Graham wasn't much better and then they all
- just started speaking at the same time about this aircraft which has hovered
- over them in the park and shone lights at them.
- "None of them are prone to making things up and I'm sure they haven't read
- anything abou UFOs recently, so when I heard that, I tried to calm them down as
- best I could and told them to sit down seperately and draw what they had seen."
- According to Mrs Stewart the resulting drawings, and the accounts of what had
- happened, were so close that she has no doubt they saw something which scared
- them very badly.
- Cameron, Joanne and Graham all described a "burger" shaped craft with domes
- shaped like the pointed ends of a rugby ball top and bottom and a band of both
- static and flashing coloured lights round the middle.
- They said the lights were red, blue, green and white - the last being
- particularly intense - and that as they watched the craft moved silently until
- it was almost above them and shone three "triangular" lights in their
- direction.
- Mrs Stewart said, "The kids said that's when they panicked and ran to the house
- because they got the feeling whatever it was was following them.
- "As they ran they saw it heading over towards the Bughties and then out of
- their sight but I could tell by the state they were in that they had run hard
- all the way from the park and had been badly shocked by whatever it was."
- Mrs Stewart said she had asked all three whether it had been a helicopter or
- some other "normal" aerial phenomenon but was told that it had hovered and
- moved in absolute silence.
- The description of the lights baffled astonomer Brian Kelly, who was watching
- the night sky from the Mills Observatory in Dundee.
- "The only things we have in the sky at the moment which can be confused with
- UFOs are Venus and Sirius, but neither of thse is likely to give off those sort
- of colours," said Mr Kelly.
- "I cannot think what would give off lights like that."
- Police said no other sightings similar to the object spotted by the children
- were reported last night.
- RAF Leuchars said they had being doing some night flying, but not with anything
- which fitted the description of the Orchar Park UFO.
- Control Staff said they had not recorded any strange objects in the sky over
- Dundee.
- The three children were all still shaken today. Mrs Stewart said all three had
- gone to school but were still rather stunned.
- NOTE: This story was covered in both The Courier, (one of the cover stories)
- and also the Evening Telegraph which runs the same story verbatim. Both
- newspapers have paragraphs not present in the other. The story above is both
- of the stories joined.
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